FAAC - Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
FAAC stands for Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
Here you will find, what does FAAC stand for in Misc.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Freeware Advanced Audio Coder? Freeware Advanced Audio Coder can be abbreviated as FAAC What does FAAC stand for? FAAC stands for Freeware Advanced Audio Coder. What does Freeware Advanced Audio Coder mean? Freeware advanced audio coder is a software project. It is not written yet. It is a software project which includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It is a free software application from the Other subcategory, part of the System Utilities category.
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Alternative definitions of FAAC
- Fundacin Anisa, A.C.
- Fundación Anisa, A.C.
- Free Arts for Abused Children
- Free Arts for Abused Children
- Family Allergy and Asthma Consultant
- formamidine acetate salt
- Federal Accounts Allocation Committee
View 8 other definitions of FAAC on the main acronym page
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- FAFK Fisantekraal airport
- FAFL French As a Foreign Language
- FAFMC First American Financial Mortgage Corp.
- FAFMH Fachaerzte fuer Anaesthesiologie FMH
- FAFN First Affirmative Financial Network
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